There are 32 new packages in the Debian archive, all of them uploaded to unstable:

ITP bug Source package Binary packages
550956 gnome-shell
 gnome-shell - graphical shell for the GNOME desktop
551615 g2ipmsg
 g2ipmsg    - IP messenger clone for GNOME2 environments
551485 python-jpype
 python-jpype - Binding the worlds of Java and Python
551809 stressapptest
 stressapptest - stress test application for simulating high load situations
551611 libmecab-java
 libmecab-java - mecab binding for Java - java classes
 libmecab-jni - mecab binding for Java - native interface
 libmecab-perl - mecab binding for Perl
551911 libmoosex-traits-pluggable-perl
 libmoosex-traits-pluggable-perl - Perl module providing class precedence search for traits
551886 python-anyjson
 python-anyjson - Wraps the best available JSON implementation available in a commo
551870 python-pytyrant
 python-pytyrant - Pure Python client implementation of the Tokyo Tyrant protocol
528719 libdbix-safe-perl
 libdbix-safe-perl - Safe wrapper to DBI interface
511098 libibcommon
 libibcommon-dev - Development files for the libibcommon library
 libibcommon1 - InfiniBand management library
444004 darcsum
 darcsum    - a pcl-cvs like interface for managing darcs patches
551817 libnet-tftpd-perl
 libnet-tftpd-perl - Perl extension for Trivial File Transfer Protocol Server
551987 python-stompy
 python-stompy - Implementation of the STOMP protocol in Python
551985 python-dingus
 python-dingus - A record-then-assert mocking library
509182 haskell-fastcgi
 libghc6-fastcgi-dev - A Haskell library for writing FastCGI programs
 libghc6-fastcgi-doc - A Haskell library for writing FastCGI programs; documentation
 libghc6-fastcgi-prof - A Haskell library for writing FastCGI programs; profiling library
552081 pep8
 pep8       - A tool to check your Python code against some of the style conven
552001 pyquery
 python-pyquery - jQuery-like library for python
550921 ocrodjvu
 ocrodjvu   - tool to perform OCR on DjVu documents
533838 rabbitsign
 rabbitsign - application signing system for the TI-73/83+/84+ calculators
543922 ffprobe
 ffprobe    - command-line tool to analyze multimedia streams
549243 libtext-recordparser-perl
 libtext-recordparser-perl - Perl module to parse record-oriented data in a text file
516096 libibumad
 libibumad-dev - Development files for libibumad
 libibumad1 - InfiniBand Userspace Management Datagram (uMAD) library
550950 stx-btree
 stx-btree-demo - b+tree implementation in c++, demo program
 stx-btree-dev - b+tree implementation in c++
 stx-btree-doc - b+tree implementation in c++, doxygen documentation
552246 dmg2img
 dmg2img    - Tool for converting compress dmg files to hfsplus images
444021 sugar-read-activity-0.86
 sugar-read-activity-0.86 - book reader activity for the Sugar graphical shell
551930 tokyocabinet-ruby
 libtokyocabinet-ruby-doc - Documentation for Ruby Binding of Tokyo Cabinet Database
 libtokyocabinet-ruby1.8 - Ruby Binding of Tokyo Cabinet Database (ruby 1.8)
 libtokyocabinet-ruby1.9 - Ruby Binding of Tokyo Cabinet Database (ruby 1.9)
539826 libsdp
 libsdp1    - Library to allow use of Infiniband Sockets Direct Protocol (SDP)
444021 sugar-read-activity-0.84
 sugar-read-activity-0.84 - book reader activity for the Sugar graphical shell
545707 v4l2ucp
 v4l2ucp    - Video for Linux 2 Universal Control Panel
539833 sdpnetstat
 sdpnetstat - InfiniBand aware netstat like program
 xwax       - open-source vinyl emulation software for Linux