6 December 09 |
- Due to some problems in the testing migration scripts, the testing suite is currently broken. This means some packages are currently not installable (such as KDE) or others are gone (such as MySQL). This is reported as the bug #559346. The issue is being worked on but it will take some time. If you see you problems when installing packages from testing, please be patient, or fetch the package from unstable.
- Some X.Org drivers (packages xserver-xorg-input-* and xserver-xorg-video-*) that were meant to be uploaded to experimental landed in unstable instead (see sbuild’s bug #559659). If you see packages with a Depends: on xorg stuff from experimental, do not update and wait until xorg-server 1.7 moves to unstable.
- Backports of KDE 4.1 made for Lenny were available at http://kde4.debian.net. That repository was planned to go out of service in the end of this year, due to technical problems they are already gone.
- Volunteers for a Debian booth at the 26c3 (Chaos Communication Congress) in Berlin wanted. If you want to help, there is more info at http://wiki.debian.org/DebianEventsDe/2009/26C3
- There will be a BSP in Mönchengladbach (Germany) the weekend 22-24 January, 2010. More info in this wikipage.
6 comments on 'Brief updates: testing broken, xorg modules broken, kde4.d.n down and events in Germany'
December 6, 2009
Thanks for the news. I will hold out on update for a bit now.
December 7, 2009
Yep me too. Aptitude shows some strange things. Hope that it will be ok soon…
December 8, 2009
how is the state at the Moment? Aptitude tells me that “gnome” epiphany-browser and and and… are broken and should be removed.
At least I hope that this is related to this Problems
December 8, 2009
What can i do if i already upgraded and now x not working?
Is there a post in the forum with more info on this?
December 8, 2009
Ask for help in the users mailing lists or in the forums:
December 16, 2009
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