Several LXDE components have been updated recently in sid. They bring some new features and improve flexibility of customization. Below you have a summary of the most important changes:

  • lxde-common 0.5.0-2:
    The nuoveXT2 icon theme has been removed from lxde-common and it is has been moved to lxde-icon-theme package instead.
    The startlxde script now executes 'lxsession -s LXDE -e LXDE' rather than 'lxsession -s LXDE' to reflect the changes in lxsession.
  • lxsession 0.4.1-1:
    There is a new command line argument: -e. This let you set the internal name of the DE. This value is exported via the environment variable $XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP. The DE name can be used to match desktop files which contain compatible OnlyShowIn and NotShowIn key values.
    The -s argument is reserved for session name only and was used to load related config files for the desktop session. For example, you can execute: lxsession -s Lubuntu -e LXDE This should load config files from Lubuntu directory, but the DE is still recognized as LXDE by applications.
  • lxpanel
    Now you can determine the visibility of applications in the menu by comparing OnlyShowIn and NotShowIn key values and $XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP. This means, you can have lxpanel show Gnome menu by the following export XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=3DGNOME . Then lxpanel will show gnome applications instead of LXDE ones.
  • Finally, lxnm and lxpanel-netstat-plugin are now deprecated.
    lxnm has been already requested to be removed from the archive and it is recommended to use wicd instead. lxpanel-netstat-plugin has also dropped from lxpanel in the upload

Andrew Lee