15 February 10 |
- A year ago yesterday, Lenny was lovely released. With the current stable release becoming 1 year old, the security support for oldstable (Etch) is ending.
- Following the release of the fourth update of Lenny 5.0.4., the stable release team has sent an email asking for help and clarifying a few aspects of point releases and stable updates.
- The release team has also sent an important update about the status of Squeeze. Freezing in March is highly unlikely due to the high number of release critical bugs. Consider helping if you want to release soon.
- Kudos to the debian-edu team for the release of Debian Edu 5.0.4+edu0 (Skolelinux 5.0) based in the Debian Lenny.
- And finally, but not less important, the registration for Debconf10 is now open! Register before April 15th if you want to apply for sponsorship.