There are 33 new packages in the Debian archive, 3 were uploaded to experimental and 30 were uploaded to unstable:

ITP bug Source package Binary packages
574345 imageshack-uploader
 imageshack-uploader - a image and video upload utility for the ImageShack hosting servi
 imageshack-uploader-common - a image and video upload utility - common files
496586 numptyphysics
 numptyphysics - crayon based physics puzzle game
 fusionforge-full - FusionForge collaborative development tool - full metapackage
 fusionforge-minimal - FusionForge collaborative development tool - minimal metapackage
 fusionforge-standard - FusionForge collaborative development tool - standard metapackage
 gforge     - Dummy upgrade package for FusionForge
 gforge-common - collaborative development tool - shared files
 gforge-db-postgresql - collaborative development tool - database (using PostgreSQL)
 gforge-dns-bind9 - collaborative development tool - DNS management (using Bind9)
 gforge-ftp-proftpd - collaborative development tool - FTP management (using ProFTPd)
 gforge-lists-mailman - collaborative development tool - mailing-lists (using Mailman)
 gforge-mta-courier - collaborative development tool - mail tools (using Courier)
 gforge-mta-exim4 - collaborative development tool - mail tools (using Exim 4)
 gforge-mta-postfix - collaborative development tool - mail tools (using Postfix)
 gforge-plugin-contribtracker - Contribution tracker plugin for FusionForge
 gforge-plugin-extratabs - Extratabs plugin for FusionForge
 gforge-plugin-globalsearch - Globalsearch plugin for FusionForge
 gforge-plugin-mediawiki - Mediawiki plugin for FusionForge
 gforge-plugin-projectlabels - Projectlabels plugin for FusionForge
 gforge-plugin-scmarch - collaborative development tool - GNU Arch plugin
 gforge-plugin-scmbzr - collaborative development tool - Bazaar plugin
 gforge-plugin-scmcvs - collaborative development tool - CVS plugin
 gforge-plugin-scmdarcs - collaborative development tool - Darcs plugin
 gforge-plugin-scmgit - collaborative development tool - Git plugin
 gforge-plugin-scmhg - collaborative development tool - Mercurial (Hg) plugin
 gforge-plugin-scmsvn - collaborative development tool - Subversion plugin
 gforge-shell-postgresql - collaborative development tool - shell accounts (using PostgreSQL
 gforge-web-apache - transition package to gforge-web-apache2
 gforge-web-apache2 - collaborative development tool - web part (using Apache)
 gforge-web-apache2-vhosts - collaborative development tool - web vhosts (using Apache)
375441 pystemmer
 python-stemmer - Python bindings for libstemmer - snowball stemming algorithms
 python-stemmer-dbg - Python bindings for libstemmer - snowball stemming algorithms (de
 wesnoth-1.7 - fantasy turn-based strategy game - complete suite (branch 1.7)
 wesnoth-1.7-aoi - "An Orcish Incursion" official campaign for Wesnoth (branch 1.7)
 wesnoth-1.7-core - fantasy turn-based strategy game (branch 1.7)
 wesnoth-1.7-data - data files for Wesnoth (branch 1.7)
 wesnoth-1.7-dbg - fantasy turn-based strategy game (debugging symbols for branch 1.
 wesnoth-1.7-did - "Descent Into Darkness" official campaign for Wesnoth (branch 1.7
 wesnoth-1.7-dm - "Delfador's Memoirs" official campaign for Wesnoth (branch 1.7)
 wesnoth-1.7-ei - "The Eastern Invasion" official campaign for Wesnoth (branch 1.7)
 wesnoth-1.7-httt - "Heir to the Throne" official campaign for Wesnoth (branch 1.7)
 wesnoth-1.7-l - "Liberty" official campaign for Wesnoth (branch 1.7)
 wesnoth-1.7-low - "Legend of Wesmere" official campaign for Wesnoth (branch 1.7)
 wesnoth-1.7-music - music files for Wesnoth (branch 1.7)
 wesnoth-1.7-nr - "Northern Rebirth" official campaign for Wesnoth (branch 1.7)
 wesnoth-1.7-server - multiplayer network server for Wesnoth (branch 1.7)
 wesnoth-1.7-sof - "The Sceptre of Fire" official campaign for Wesnoth (branch 1.7)
 wesnoth-1.7-sotbe - "Son of the Black-Eye" official campaign for Wesnoth (branch 1.7)
 wesnoth-1.7-thot - "The Hammer of Thursagan" official campaign for Wesnoth (branch 1
 wesnoth-1.7-tools - tools for campaign developers for Wesnoth (branch 1.7)
 wesnoth-1.7-trow - "The Rise of Wesnoth" official campaign for Wesnoth (branch 1.7)
 wesnoth-1.7-tsg - "The South Guard" official campaign for Wesnoth (branch 1.7)
 wesnoth-1.7-ttb - "A Tale of Two Brothers" official campaign for Wesnoth (branch 1.
 wesnoth-1.7-utbs - "Under the Burning Suns" official campaign for Wesnoth (branch 1.
567719 haskell-sdl
 libghc6-sdl-dev - Haskell SDL binding for GHC
 libghc6-sdl-doc - Haskell SDL binding for GHC - documentation
 libghc6-sdl-prof - Haskell SDL binding for GHC - profiling libraries
574616 libdata-treedumper-renderer-gtk-perl
 libdata-treedumper-renderer-gtk-perl - Gtk2::TreeView renderer for Data::TreeDumper
575171 libnet-nationalrail-livedepartureboards-perl
 libnet-nationalrail-livedepartureboards-perl - Perl module for retrieving UK rail live departure board informati
573812 objenesis
 libobjenesis-java - Java library to instantiate a new object of a particular class
 libobjenesis-java-doc - Documentation for Objenesis
573484 trac-datefieldplugin
 trac-datefieldplugin - Add custom date fields to Trac tickets
574633 trac-wikitablemacro
 trac-wikitablemacro - Table from an arbitrary SQL for Trac
574494 haskell-data-accessor
 libghc6-data-accessor-dev - Utilities for accessing and manipulating fields of records
 libghc6-data-accessor-doc - Utilities for accessing and manipulating fields of records; docum
 libghc6-data-accessor-prof - Utilities for accessing and manipulating fields of records; profi
574294 haskell-explicit-exception
 libghc6-explicit-exception-dev - Haskell exceptions which are explicit in the type signature
 libghc6-explicit-exception-doc - Haskell exceptions which are explicit in the type signature; docu
 libghc6-explicit-exception-prof - profiling libraries for libghc6-explicit-exception-dev
574563 haskell-monoid-transformer
 libghc6-monoid-transformer-dev - Transformers for Reader and State Monoids
 libghc6-monoid-transformer-doc - Transformers for Reader and State Monoids; documentation
 libghc6-monoid-transformer-prof - Transformers for Reader and State Monoids; profiling libraries
574503 haskell-utility-ht
 libghc6-utility-ht-dev - Small helper functions for Lists, Maybes, Tuples and Functions
 libghc6-utility-ht-doc - Small helper functions for Lists, Maybes, Tuples and Functions; d
 libghc6-utility-ht-prof - profiling libraries for libghc6-utility-ht-dev
573960 ddir
 ddir       - display DOS style hierarchical directory tree
569096 clojure-maven-plugin
 libclojure-maven-plugin-java - Clojure plugin for Maven
574895 muroard
 muroard    - minimalist RoarAudio sound daemon
 muroard-dbg - minimalist RoarAudio sound daemon (debugging symbols)
574882 scilab-celestlab
 scilab-celestlab - A Scilab library of space flight dynamics functions
 openrocket - Model Rocket Simulator
568953 commons-exec
 libcommons-exec-java - a library to reliably execute external processes from within the
516609 gpxviewer
 gpxviewer  - views GPS traces collected in the GPX format
574621 libdirectory-scratch-structured-perl
 libdirectory-scratch-structured-perl - creates temporary files and directories from a structured descrip
574861 scilab-scimysql
 scilab-scimysql - A Scilab interface to MySQL
567750 raincat
 raincat    - 2D puzzle game featuring a fuzzy little cat
 raincat-data - 2D puzzle game featuring a fuzzy little cat
 raincat-dbg - 2D puzzle game featuring a fuzzy little cat - debug
574756 skipfish
 skipfish   - fully automated, active web application security reconnaissance t
534842 nagstamon
 nagstamon  - Nagios status monitor which takes place in systray or on desktop
574951 haskell-event-list
 libghc6-event-list-dev - Event lists with relative or absolute timestamps
 libghc6-event-list-doc - Event lists with relative or absolute timestamps; documentation
 libghc6-event-list-prof - Event lists with relative or absolute timestamps; profiling libra
574954 haskell-markov-chain
 libghc6-markov-chain-dev - Markov Chains for random sequence generation
 libghc6-markov-chain-doc - Markov Chains for random sequence generation; documentation
 libghc6-markov-chain-prof - Markov Chains for random sequence generation; profiling libraries
573361 ust
 libust-dev - LTTng Userspace Tracer (development)
 libust0    - LTTng Userspace Tracer (runtime)
 ust-bin    - LTTng Userspace Tracer (utilities)
 openvas-scanner - remote network security auditor - scanner
575285 libhtml-defang-perl
 libhtml-defang-perl - Cleans HTML as well as CSS of scripting and other executable cont
575035 liblog-any-perl
 liblog-any-perl - Log anywhere