There are 53 new packages in the Debian archive, 2 were uploaded to experimental and 51 were uploaded to unstable:

ITP bug Source package Binary packages
550848 python-oauth
 python-oauth - Python library implementing of the OAuth protocol
550723 gjs
 gjs        - Mozilla-based javascript bindings for the GNOME platform
 libgjs-dev - Mozilla-based javascript bindings for the GNOME platform
 libgjs0    - Mozilla-based javascript bindings for the GNOME platform
 libgrib-api-data - grib_api definition files
550954 alien-hunter
 alien-hunter - Interpolated Variable Order Motifs to identify horizontally acqui
543316 arista
 arista     - multimedia transcoder for the GNOME Desktop
551025 django-genshi
 python-django-genshi - Django integration for Genshi
551131 r-cran-nnet
 r-cran-nnet - GNU R package for feed-forward neural networks
551130 r-cran-class
 r-cran-class - GNU R package for classification
551129 r-cran-mass
 r-cran-mass - GNU R package of Venables and Ripley's MASS
550033 moblin-sound-theme
 moblin-sound-theme - moblin sound theme
549353 arename
 arename    - automatic audio file renaming
551132 r-cran-spatial
 r-cran-spatial - GNU R package for spatial statistics
543719 generatorrunner
 boostpythongenerator - Binding source code generator for Boost::Python
 docgenerator - Generator plugin for python bindings documentation
 generatorrunner - Plugin-based application to run apiextractor-based generators
 generatorrunner-dbg - Debugging symbols for generatorrunner, and its brothers
 libgenrunner-dev - generatorrunner dedicated library headers
 libgenrunner0.3.1 - generatorrunner dedicated library
550959 transmageddon
 transmageddon - video transcoder for Linux and Unix systems built using GStreamer
 libgtk2-ex-entry-pango-perl - Gtk2::Entry that accepts pango markup
550754 obus
 libobus-ocaml - pure OCaml implementation of D-Bus (runtime)
 libobus-ocaml-bin - pure OCaml implementation of D-Bus (command-line tools)
 libobus-ocaml-dev - pure OCaml implementation of D-Bus (development files)
550936 ttf-mplus
 ttf-mplus  - M+ sans serif fonts with different weights
551180 mp3diags
 mp3diags   - find issues in MP3 files and help to solve them
 mp3diags-doc - MP3 Diags documentation
536235 haskell-regex-tdfa
 libghc6-regex-tdfa-dev - Haskell library for a tagged DFA regex engine
 libghc6-regex-tdfa-doc - Documentation for the tagged DFA regex engine
 libghc6-regex-tdfa-prof - Profiling libraries for the tagged DFA regex engine
501744 pyjamas
 pyjamas    - Python web widget toolkit and Python-to-Javascript compiler
 pyjamas-canvas - Pyjamas Python port of GWTCanvas SVG Library
 pyjamas-desktop - Python web widget toolkit (Desktop version)
 pyjamas-doc - Python web widget set
 pyjamas-gchart - Pyjamas Python port of GWT GChart Charting and Graph Widget Libra
 pyjamas-pyjs - Pyjamas Python-to-Javascript compiler
 pyjamas-ui - Python Pyjamas Web Widget Set library
536234 haskell-regex-tdfa-utf8
 libghc6-regex-tdfa-utf8-dev - Haskell library for the UTF8 version of the tagged DFA regex engi
 libghc6-regex-tdfa-utf8-doc - Documentation for the utf-8 version of the tagged DFA regex engin
 libghc6-regex-tdfa-utf8-prof - Profiling libraries for the UTF8 version of the tagged DFA regex 
550242 rt-extension-emailcompletion
 rt3.8-extension-emailcompletion - autocompletion on mail
551309 python-mecab
 python-mecab - mecab binding for Python
551176 zeya
 zeya       - a web music server
519863 jnoise
 jnoise     - white and pink noise generator
544002 pip
 pip        - tool for scripted and third-party CPAN distribution installation
551026 xcite
 xcite      - exciting cite utility for Emacsen
551210 rcs-blame
 rcs-blame  - display the last modification for each line in an RCS file
532703 lazr.uri
 python-lazr.uri - library for parsing, manipulating, and generating URIs
537876 libconfig-jfdi-perl
 libconfig-jfdi-perl - Perl module to load any configuration files
551562 libmecab-ruby
 libmecab-ruby - mecab binding for Ruby language (dependency package)
 libmecab-ruby1.8 - mecab binding for Ruby language (version 1.8)
 libmecab-ruby1.9 - mecab binding for Ruby language (version 1.9)
551275 lazr.restfulclient
 python-lazr.restfulclient - client for lazr.restful-based web services
544088 tictactoe-ng
 tictactoe-ng - fun, simple, tic tac toe game
551274 python-wadllib
 python-wadllib - Python library for navigating WADL files
269527 gamera
 gamera-doc - documentation for the Gamera framework
 gamera-gui - GUI for the Gamera framework
 python-gamera - framework for building document analysis applications
 python-gamera-dbg - framework for building document analysis applications (debug symb
 python-gamera-dev - framework for building document analysis applications (header fil
551273 python-launchpadlib
 python-launchpadlib - Launchpad web services client library
486749 wtop
 wtop       - Like top for Apache web servers
474554 fotowall
 fotowall   - simple application for creating collages and compositions
550211 stda
 stda       - simple tools for data analysis (stda)
551615 g2ipmsg
 g2ipmsg    - IP messenger clone for GNOME2 environments
551485 python-jpype
 python-jpype - Binding the worlds of Java and Python
 libramaze-ruby - A simple, light and modular web application framework
 libramaze-ruby1.8 - A simple, light and modular web application framework (ruby1.8)
 libramaze-ruby1.9 - A simple, light and modular web application framework (ruby1.9)
547449 trac-xmlrpc
 trac-xmlrpc - XML-RPC interface to the Trac wiki and issue tracking system
 libmoosex-daemonize-perl - Role for daemonizing your Moose based application
 libghc6-bzlib-dev - Haskell bindings to the bzip2 library
 libghc6-bzlib-doc - Documentation for the Haskell bindings to the bzip2 library
 libghc6-bzlib-prof - Profiling libraries for the Haskell bindings to the bzip2 library
420638 mpich2
 libmpich2-1.2 - Shared libraries for MPICH2
 libmpich2-dev - Development files for MPICH2
 mpich2     - Implementation of the MPI Message Passing Interface standard
 mpich2-doc - Documentation for MPICH2
 python-tgmochikit - The MochiKit JavaScript library as a TurboGears widget
504320 trac-customfieldadmin
 trac-customfieldadmin - panel for administrating custom ticket fields in Trac
489774 trac-bitten
 trac-bitten - continuous integration plugin for Trac
504554 trac-mastertickets
 trac-mastertickets - adds inter-ticket dependencies to Trac
 python-distribute - Python Distutils Enhancements (based on distribute)
 python-distribute-doc - Python Distutils Enhancements (based on distribute), documentatio
 python-pkg-resources - Package Discovery and Resource Access using pkg_resources
 python-setuptools - Python Distutils Enhancements (setuptools compatibility)
550956 gnome-shell
 gnome-shell - graphical shell for the GNOME desktop
 kgb-bot    - IRC collaboration bot
 kgb-client - IRC collaboration bot (KGB) client