7 October 10 |
Debian 6.0 “squeeze” will be the first GNU/Linux distribution release ever to offer comprehensive support for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) based neuroimaging research. It comes with up-to-date software for structural image analysis (e.g. ants), diffusion imaging and tractography (e.g. mrtrix), stimulus delivery (e.g. psychopy), MRI sequence development (e.g. odin), as well as a number of versatile data processing and analysis suites (e.g. nipype). Moreover, this release will have built-in support for all major neuroimaging data formats. Please see the Debian Science and Debian Med task pages for a comprehensive list of included software and the NeuroDebian webpage for further information. NeuroDebian at the Society for Neuroscience meeting 2010 The NeuroDebian team will run a Debian booth at the Society for Neuroscience meeting (SfN2010) that will take place November 13-17 in San Diego, USA. The annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience is one of the largest neuroscience conferences in the world, with over 30,000 attendees. Researchers, clinicians, and leading experts discuss the latest findings about the brain, nervous system, and related disorders. If you are a Debian enthusiast (developer, contributor, evangelist) and reside near San Diego (or have time and funds for travel/lounge), or already planing to attend SfN 2010, please help us to make the Debian booth at SfN shine. Please contact the NeuroDebian team at team@neuro.debian.net If you are going to SfN2010, come talk to us at booth #3815. Michael Hanke and Yaroslav Halchenko |