7 October 10
published by ana

Debian 6.0 “squeeze” will be the first GNU/Linux distribution release ever to offer comprehensive support for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) based neuroimaging research. It comes with up-to-date software for structural image analysis (e.g. ants), diffusion imaging and tractography (e.g. mrtrix), stimulus delivery (e.g. psychopy), MRI sequence development (e.g. odin), as well as a number of versatile data processing and analysis suites (e.g. nipype). Moreover, this release will have built-in support for all major neuroimaging data formats.

Please see the Debian Science and Debian Med task pages for a comprehensive list of included software and the NeuroDebian webpage for further information.

NeuroDebian at the Society for Neuroscience meeting 2010

The NeuroDebian team will run a Debian booth at the Society for Neuroscience meeting (SfN2010) that will take place November 13-17 in San Diego, USA. The annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience is one of the largest neuroscience conferences in the world, with over 30,000 attendees. Researchers, clinicians, and leading experts discuss the latest findings about the brain, nervous system, and related disorders.

If you are a Debian enthusiast (developer, contributor, evangelist) and reside near San Diego (or have time and funds for travel/lounge), or already planing to attend SfN 2010, please help us to make the Debian booth at SfN shine. Please contact the NeuroDebian team at team@neuro.debian.net

If you are going to SfN2010, come talk to us at booth #3815.

Michael Hanke and Yaroslav Halchenko

6 October 10

Here are the Debian users who have submitted a request to appear in our website so far in this year. Please welcome them into our Project!

And here are some of their reasons to choose Debian:

“We have chosen Debian over other alternatives; because of its reliability and easiness of maintenance.”

“The decision was based on the selection of additional expandable components, availability of distribution, a regular cycle for issuing amendments, stability and support solutions for a wide range of equipment for a dedicated server solutions.”

“Stability is important for us.”

“The main reason for choosing Debian over other distributions is the package management, security, number of available packages, ease-of-use, stability, amount of quality documentation, and cost.”

“We choose Debian to easen the burden of system administration. Also because Debian has very well maintaned packages and for high security.”

“Debian is powerful and keeping originality of Linux.”

“We find the software that comes with Debian very useful and easy to use since we are not specialists in computer matters.”

“Debian is the most powerful Linux distribution! The best choice for our jobs, our servers and our lifestyle.”

“We chose Debian because it is stable, simple and fast to install and to use, and because it is Free Software.”

“We are proud to say that we use Debian/GNU Linux on more than 90% of our servers and this simply because of it’s stability, security and great packaging system.”

“Debian offered the perfect balance between security, stability and ease of administration.”

“We chose Debian for its rock-solid stability, ease of installation and configuration, and awesome ability to not only run on old, second-hand hardware, but to turn that hardware into powerful production machines perfect for our needs. We also like Debian’s Social Contract. None of the other options were as successful in this implementation.”

“It is refreshing and enjoyable to have an operating system which gives users easy access.”

Thanks very much for the hard work, Webmaster Team.

6 October 10
published by Fernando C. Estrada
  • The Backports Team is pleased to announce the availability of a new suite on backports: lenny-backports-sloppy.
Proposed timeline of the Release Team
We hope to have sorted out all the details and resolved the remaining blockers by the end of October, with the focus during November being on translation updates, testing and coordination with different teams to prepare the new release.
This means that it’s possible to have a release out in time for Christmas, but to do this we need YOUR help. Please, squash bugs, write release notes, squash bugs, support our translators and squash some bugs.
  • To make the Debian Mentors List more friendly, supportive and helpful, Asheesh Laroia and Niels Thykier promised they will reply to every email within four days, even if the replies aren’t a sponsorship or necessarily a review.

3 October 10
published by ana

The following developers got their Debian accounts in the last 2 months:

  • Luke Faraone (lfaraone)


28 September 10
published by ana

For more than 11 years now, FAI (Fully Automatic Installation) lived happily at http://www.informatik.uni-koeln.de/fai. Now that it’s grown up, it finally deserves its own home at http://fai-project.org. This also means less typing for all of FAI’s friends.

Along with the new web home also its sister, the wiki, has moved from http://faiwiki.informatik.uni-koeln.de to http://wiki.fai-project.org

Other parts of the family, such as the mailing lists, stay at their place. If you are a friend with FAI, however, you might need to update your sources.list. If your sources.list configuration includes something like:

  deb http://www.informatik.uni-koeln.de/fai/download lenny koeln

please change it to the new URL accordingly, like:

  deb http://fai-project.org/download lenny koeln

The old URL’s will still work, but we suggest to update to the new ones. If you have links on your web page to the FAI project, please update the links to the new location and also update your address book (aka bookmarks) accordingly.

FAI would like to thank its parents at the University of Cologne for hosting and continuing support. The new home is still provided by the University of Cologne.

Thomas Lange

2 September 10
published by ana

The next 4th of September, the Portuguese Debian community will gather at the University of Aveiro for the third edition of the DebianDayPT

There will be several talks about about Debian/Free Software in Portuguese and as special guest, Martin Michlmayr will deliver a couple of talks titled “Contributing to Debian” and “Project Management in Free Software”. Like last year, there will be DVDs with Debian Live so people can discover, try and install upcoming Debian stable ‘Squeeze‘.

You can find more information of the event and information of how to arrive at: http://debiandaypt.debianpt.org/.

24 August 10
published by ana

The Debian Women project aims to get more women to participate in Debian, as packagers, bug reporters, technical documentation writers, bug fixers, translators, artists and in any other area that helps the development of Debian. These goals are achieved through IRC tutorials, a mentoring program, a mailing list and an IRC channel.

The Mentoring Program, allows men and women that want to contribute to Debian but aren’t sure where or how to start, to get some help with their first steps.

There have been at least 38 women that have contributed in packaging software for Debian, and there are currently 11 female Debian Developers and 1 Debian Maintainer. We’d like to raise those numbers to 50 packagers by the end of 2011, and 20 Debian Developers by the end of 2012.

There are some other interesting statistics about the current female participation in Debian.

We are also interested in getting more women to file and fix bugs, translate debconf templates or package descriptions, contribute to the release notes, as well as participate in any other areas of the Debian project. In order to do this, we will be holding some IRC training sessions in the near future, to help people get started. We are currently making the list of subjects and trainers, we’ll publish more news about this once the first sessions are scheduled.

For more information you can join the IRC channel #debian-women on irc.oftc.net, or subscribe to the debian-women mailing list. If you are a Spanish speaker, you can also join the IRC channel #debian-mujeres on irc.oftc.net.

Margarita Manterola

16 August 10
published by ana

Happy 17 birthday Debian!

Image made by Valessio Brito (sources), with some elements taken from the Open Clip Art Library.

You also can thank your favorite Debian team, maintainer or tell how much you like Debian at

2 August 10
published by ana

The following developers got their Debian accounts in the last month:

  • Adrian Perez (blackxored)
  • Georges Khaznadar (georgesk)
  • Felipe Sateler (fsateler)
  • Thomas Goirand (zigo)


10 June 10
published by ana

The following packages have been orphaned and are looking for a new maintainer:

The following packages have been put up for adoption by the current maintainers:

The following packages are requesting co-maintainers:

Somebody asked for the following software to be packaged in Debian:

You can read more information about how to help at Work-Needing and Prospective Packages page.