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Debian NewsUpdates on the Debian Project |
28 January 11 |
Next weekend Debian Developers and users from all over the world are organizing release parties. Do you want a release party in your city? Organize it and invite others! http://wiki.debian.org/ReleasePartySqueeze
30 November 10 |
DebConf 11 will take place from July 24 to 30, 2011, in the city of Banja Luka, Republika Srpska, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The final calendar of the event is:
The call for papers and registration dates are still to be decided.
More information at the DebConf 11 website.
2 September 10 |
The next 4th of September, the Portuguese Debian community will gather at the University of Aveiro for the third edition of the DebianDayPT
There will be several talks about about Debian/Free Software in Portuguese and as special guest, Martin Michlmayr will deliver a couple of talks titled “Contributing to Debian” and “Project Management in Free Software”. Like last year, there will be DVDs with Debian Live so people can discover, try and install upcoming Debian stable ‘Squeeze‘.
You can find more information of the event and information of how to arrive at: http://debiandaypt.debianpt.org/.
16 March 10 |
Debconf 10
As previously announced, DebConf 10 will take place from August 1st to 7th, 2010, at Columbia University, in New York City, USA.
If you have an interesting proposal for an event, the Call for Contributions is already open. Submit your proposal before May 1st.
Also, if you want to request sponsorship for lodging and/or travel, you must submit your request in pentabarf before April 15th.
Debconf 11
The DebConf Team has decided to hold DebConf11 in Banja Luka, Bosnia & Herzegovina. DebConf 11 will take place in 2011 in a date to be defined.
24 February 10 |
Do you like Debian? Do you like GNOME? Do you want to help Debian and GNOME?
If you have answered yes to all those questions, join this weekend on #debian-gnome on irc.debian.org / irc.oftc.net and participate in the Debian/GNOME bug session! More information at Joss’s blog.
31 October 09 |
DebConf 10 will take place from August 1 to 7, 2010, at Columbia University, in New York City, USA.
The final calendar of the event is:
Debian Open Day (formerly known as DebianDay): Still to be discussed but within these dates
The call for papers and registration will open in January 2010.
More information at the DebConf 10 website.
27 October 09 |
A gang of Debian users and developers are going to organize a mini-DebConf at the FSCONS free society conference in Gothenburg, Sweden. FSCONS is held 13-15 November, which also are the dates the mini-DebConf will be held. During the conference Debian related talks and workshops will be given in the main programe and social events will take place.
Our goal is lay the foundation for something like debian-nordic, which, strange enough, does not exist today. Yet, there are quite a few DDs, and Debian users, in the nordic region.
Come and partake in an excellent Free Software/Free Society conference with a Debian chocolate chipped cookie event on the side!
More information about the mini-DebConf at http://wiki.debian.org/DebianNordic/MiniDebconf2009
31 August 09 |
The “Software Liberty Association of Taiwan” (SLAT) is featuring a mini-DebConf during ICOS 2009 (International Conference on Open Source in Taipei), in September 2009.
It is the first mini-DebConf in Taiwan, and it would possibly become the second Asia mini-DebConf after the first mini-Debconf held in Beijing on 2005, if DDs from China, Japan, Korea, Hong Kong join as well.
Participants may get accommodation and food sponsorship. Remember to add your name to this wiki page if you are joining us. You also can find all the information about the event in that wiki page.
Join us in Taipei on Saturday 26th and Sunday 27th of September 2009!
5 August 09 |
Debian Day is celebrated on August 16th of each year in celebration of Debian’s birthday.
Debian user groups from around all the world gather to hold talks and/or dinner parties on this day.
You can check if there is any event planned on your city or add yours at the Debian Day 2009 wiki page
2 August 09 |
The annual Debian developers meeting, DebConf, finished last thursday 30th.
The slides of some talks are available already linked from the talk details in the schedule. If you give a talk or a BOF, upload your slides through penta!
Videos will be linked from the schedule and direclty browseable here when they are ready.
There is also a nice group photo with most of the attendees.